Thursday 20.09.18

Good afternoon!

I hadn´t school yesterday, because of the hurricane. It was a little bit strange because we drove with the school bus to school and then a teacher came in the coach and told us that we hadn´t school because of the weather. It is cool that we had free, but we drove 40 minutes to school and then 40 minutes back, 80 minutes on a bus are really long! When we arrived home, Georges, Robert and I had to build up the mash of the trampoline and the goals, because they would fly away. One goal already flew 5 meters. After that, we drunk some tea and I baked a new bread with pumpkin seems. Robert also wanna try it, so I baked a little extra piece without seems. In Ireland, the people don´t like bread with seems very much. In Germany, the most people like bread with seems or “real” bread. I put the real in inverted commas because what we call bread is in Ireland toast that was toasted. The trip of yesterday, we will do next Wednesday.

Today I was shocked in English because our teacher told us that we have to pay something in addition to the trip and that are 500€. I already know that we have to pay something in addition, because that what we will collect on the run isn´t enough, but our teacher told us that it will be only a little bit. 500€ aren´t a little bit! I already talked with my parents and it will be my birthday and my Christmas present, but Georges doesn´t fly to Rome. Nina isn´t sure, but it is probably. When I heard how much it is, I had a bad feeling, because it is so much, but when I called my mother, she told me that the worst thing I can do, is to have a bad feeling. I ask me, how can that be, that nobody of the other students has a problem with that and how can it be, that everybody of them says that they will fly.

On Thursday we have Personal skills and on the next 5 weeks, we will have Zumba. Today was the first lesson and in my opinion is Zumba really cool! It is really funny, but it is stressful. After one hour everybody was finished! After Zumba, we will have Yoga for a few weeks in Personal skills. I don´t know what I think about it, because Yoga is helpful, but it is so slow! We will see…

I wish you a nice evening!

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