Saturday 2.2.19


Today I met Nina and Maria in Castlebar.

We met at 11:30 am in Castlebar at Subway. Then we just walked around and we were shopping. In the beginning, it rained but later it was really sunny. Nina and I bought a watch, I wanted a watch for a long time now, so I am really happy that I found a pretty one. Later we were in a boutique where you can buy chic dresses and jumpsuits. Nina and Maria are in the “No-name Club” (that´s a youth club) in Castlebar, and at the end of February, there will be a ball. We were in the shop for a long time, because they were so many possibilities. Even I don´t need a dress I tried some on, just for fun. In the end, only Nina bought on. After that, we were in a Pizzeria. I created one on my own: tuna, red onions, and feta cheese. It was delicious! I took the bus back home at 3pm. When I arrived home I made chia pudding with creme, because of that I saw the picture on the internet and I wanna try it. You only need chia seeds, almond milk, one orange, and a mango. It didn´t look like on the internet but I think that is normal and it tastes good. Tomorrow, the exchange student from the last year will arrive. He will stay here for 1 week. He is from Germany as well.

See you soon!

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